A blood specimen is requested from a patient suspected of having septicemia. which of the following substances should the phlebotomist use to clean the venipuncture site?
A. alcohol and iodine
B. alcohol and saline
C. saline and iodine
D. sterile water and iodine
A blood specimen is requested on a patient suffering from tuberculosis. which of the following items should the phlebotomist remove from the patients room after completing the venipuncture?
A. the blood sample and all the equipment used in the venipuncture
B. the blood sample and the non-disposable equipment used in the venipuncture
C. the blood sample collected during the venipuncture
D. the disposable equipment used in the venipuncture
Answer: C. the blood sample collected during the venipuncture
A 4 year old child has just arrived in the outpatient area accompanied by her mother. the phlebotomist has to perform a venipuncture on the child. the child seems somewhat apprehensive, but not yet crying. which of the following is the best course of action for the phlebotomist to take?
A. tell the child that the procedure will not hurt
B. demand that the mother leave the room
C. promise the child a treat is she doesn't cry
D. briefly explain to the child what is going to be done
Answer: D. briefly explain to the child what is going to be done
Platelet counts and differential blood smears should be the first tests collected by skin puncture because:
A. there is less tissue contamination
B. hemolysis is reduced
C. platelet clumping is less just after puncture
D. it is easier to get round drops of blood
Answer: C. platelet clumping is less just after puncture
All of the following statements about employee needlestick injury procedures are true EXCEPT:
A. all needlestick incidents should be reported to a supervisor
B. the employee should receive a confidential medical evaluation
C. the necessary incident report forms should be made available to the employee
D. the source individual is required to be tested for HIV and HBV
Answer: D. the source individual is required to be tested for HIV and HBV
The tip of a needle should be visually checked for damage because a blunt or bent tip:
A. should be shown to the patient
B. may be used, but it will hurt more
C. will need to be noted on the request form
D. must not be used as it will hurt the patient and may damage the vein
Answer: D. must not be used as it will hurt the patient and may damage the vein
The laboratory report form showing blood test results should indicate the blood has been collected by skin puncture because:
A. it must be noted for the next phlebotomist
B. results may vary depending on collection method
C. liability concerns are greater
D. validity of test results is affected by skin puncture site collection
Answer: B. results may vary depending on collection method
which of the following statements about the physical location of parts of the human anatomy is TRUE?
A. the hand is at the distal end of the arm
B. the patient who is supine is in a sitting position
C. the thumb is proximal to the index finger
D. when supine, the sternum is posterior to the spine
Answer: A. the hand is at the distal end of the arm
which of the following may cause hemolysis in a blood specimen?
A. forcefully expelling blood into a tube from the syringe
B. leaving the tourniquet on too long
C. exposure to bright light
D. tilting the tube after drawing
Answer: A. forcefully expelling blood into a tube from the syringe
when a patient has "difficult" veins, what strategies, if any, can be used to improve the likelihood of a successful puncture?
A. slight rotation of the patients arm to a different position
B. palpating the entire antecubital area to tract vein path
C. warming the site
D. all of the above
identification of an inpatient can best be accomplished by which of the following?
A. number on the hospital bracelet and verbal confirmation from the patient
B. hospital room number and bed assignment
C. confirmation from a patients relative
D. confirmation from the patients nurse
Answer: A. number on the hospital bracelet and verbal confirmation from the patient
the phlebotomist traveled to the home of 85 year old Mrs.Harrison to collect blood for PT, PTT, and potassium. Even though the blood collection was performed by using a winged infusion set on her fragile veins, the light blue top tube was undefiled. However, the phlebotomist was able to fill the SST tube. Which of the following will most likely occur?
A. the potassium will be falsely elevated
B. the PT and PTT will be falsely prolonged
C. the potassium will be falsely decreased
D. the PT and PTT will not be affected
Answer: B. the PT and PTT will be falsely prolonged
blood collection vacuum tubes may contain silicon to:
A. decrease the possibility of hemolysis
B. decrease interference between red blood cells and anticoagulant
C. create a barrier between the red blood cells and serum
D. create a barrier between the red blood cells and plasma
veins have which of the following characteristics?
A. they carry deoxygenated blood toward the heart
B. they carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
C. they are microscopic vessels that link arterioles and venules
D. they carry only red blood cells
Answer: A. they carry deoxygenated blood toward the heart
when performing a skin puncture, which of the following may NOT help prevent hemolysis of the specimen?
A. squeezing the finger continuously to assure adequate blood drops
B. gently mix the collection contains with anticoagulants during the collection
C. allow the blood to form a drop then touch the drop to the collection container
D. ensure the alcohol used to clean the spot has complete dried prior to performing the puncture
Answer: A. squeezing the finger continuously to assure adequate blood drops
what is the recommended venipuncture technique for collecting blood from an elderly patient with fragile, superficial veins?
A. apply heat to the site prior to performing the puncture
B. used a winged infusion set with small volume tubes
C. use a routine venipuncture procedure with full size tubes
D. do not use a tourniquet
Answer: B. used a winged infusion set with small volume tubes
A CBC specimen is clotted and needs to be redrawn. what is the most likely cause of the clotting?
A. the anticoagulant in the tube was defective
B. the blood and anticoagulant were not mixed sufficiently in the tube
C. the patient has DIC and the blood was clotted before entering the tube
D. the technician drawing the blood waited too long before delivering the blood too the lab
Answer: B. the blood and anticoagulant were not mixed sufficiently in the tube
in the health care field, when a service is evaluated and the results fall within the boundaries of predefined acceptable standards, it is known as the principles of ________.
A. risk management
B. quality assurance
C. service gaurantee
D. patient satisfaction
a patient suddenly develops a large hematoma during a venipuncture procedure. what is the proper course of action?
A. apply a pressure bandage
B. stop the venipuncture procedure
C. apply pressure to the site and elevate the patients arm above the level of the heart
D. all of the above are correct
what is the first course of action when a patient refuses to allow you to draw blood?
A. try to gently and calmly assure and persuade the patient
B. report it to the patients nurse
C. note the refusal on the requisition and return to the lab
D. have an assistant hold the patient down while you draw the blood
Answer: A. try to gently and calmly assure and persuade the patient
you are assigned to do a blood-draw on Sam Johnson in room 222. how do you properly verify the patient as being the correct Sam Johnson?
A. ask the patient to state his name and date of birth and match it to the requisition
B. confirm the patients name with the nurse on duty
C. ask the patient, "are you Sam Johnson?" if the patient confirms that the is the identification is considered verified
D. check the identification band to verify it is the correct patient
Answer: A. ask the patient to state his name and date of birth and match it to the requisition
when drawing blood from a small vein in the hand of an elderly patient which of the following is the best option:
A. 21-gauge needle with syringe and small volume evacuated tubes
B. 23-gauge winged infusion set with small volume evacuated tubes
C. 25-gauge winged infusion set with large volume evacuated tubes
D. 21-gauge needle with tube holder and large volume evacuated tubes
Answer: B. 23-gauge winged infusion set with small volume evacuated tubes
which of the following is a good way to prevent needlestick injuries?
A. recapping needles by hand
B. using safe needle devices and following instructions for their use and disposal
C. waiting til a sharps disposal container is filled to the top to empty it
D. activating the safe needle device just before placing it in the sharps disposal container
Answer: B. using safe needle devices and following instructions for their use and disposal
which of the following could cause a hemolyzed specimen?
A. pulling back on a syringe plunger with gentile pressure
B. using a 21-gauge needle to fill a 10 mL red top tube
C. mixing the blood with the additive or anticoagulant by shaking
D. inserting a needle into a site where the alcohol has air dried
Answer: C. mixing the blood with the additive or anticoagulant by shaking
which of the following is the key principle of universal precautions?
A. the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most important bloodborne pathogen
B. the blood and body fluids of all individuals are considered potentially infectious
C. gloves and gowns provide sufficient protection from blood and body fluids
D. only patients in isolation rooms are considered to be potentially infectious
Answer: B. the blood and body fluids of all individuals are considered potentially infectious
which of the following statements regarding safe use of tube holders and needles is true?
A. after disposing of the needle, clean the tube holder with an alcohol pad
B. discard both the needle and tube holder as a unit into a sharps container
C. disconnect the needle from the tube holder so the holder can be reused
D. unscrew the needle from the tube holder and sterilize them both for reuse
Answer: B. discard both the needle and tube holder as a unit into a sharps container
A. an infection acquired in a healthcare facility
B. an infection caused by an inadvertent needlestick
C. an infection acquired at school
D. any of the above
Answer: A. an infection acquired in a healthcare facility
which of the following might help protect a phlebotomist from a lawsuit?
A. using the same blood draw procedures on patients of all ages
B. ignoring a patients refusal to have blood drawn
C. telling someone else about what lab tests were ordered on a mutual acquaintance
D. following you employers venipuncture procedures
Answer: D. following you employers venipuncture procedures
what is the purpose of ordering a fasting lab test?
A. to standardize the test results on a broad range of patients
B. to eliminate the effects of diet on the test results
C. to keep a patients calcium level at a minimum prior to a test
D. to keep the patient from getting sick during the blood draw
Answer: B. to eliminate the effects of diet on the test results
What is the prescribed course of action when a patient begins to feel faint during the course of a blood draw?
A. instruct the patient to take deep breaths while you continue with the blood draw
B. remove the needle and have the patient lower their head to between their knees
C. pause the blood draw to give the patient time to recover
D. call for assistance and wait until it arrives to continue drawing blood
Answer: B. remove the needle and have the patient lower their head to between their knees
What is the proper procedure when there is blood on the outside of a tube you have just filled with blood?
A. tag the tube with a biohazard sticker
B. throw the tube away and redraw the sample
C. leave it as is, the blood will dry
D. use a disinfectant to wipe the outside of the tube
Answer: D. use a disinfectant to wipe the outside of the tube
Which of the following can result in contamination of a blood culture?
A. touching only the handle of the scrub device
B. the patients skin being wet with antiseptic
C. repalpitating a sterilized site prior to venipuncture
D. allowing the antiseptic to dry for 30 seconds
Answer: C. repalpitating a sterilized site prior to venipuncture
A. the patient can be in a basal state- no restrictions
B. patient should be fasting for 4 hours with no water
C. patient should be fasting for at least 12 hours with water allowed
D. patient should be fasting for 8 hours with no water
Answer: C. patient should be fasting for at least 12 hours with water allowed
In considering the safety of the patient, which of the fooling is the more dangerous element?
A. labeling collection tubes before collecting the blood
B. disposing of a sharp properly
C. failing to wear gloves during the venipuncture procedure
D. recapping a needle after a venipuncture
Answer: A. labeling collection tubes before collecting the blood
Hemoconcentration can be caused by which of the following?
A. leaving the needle in the arm too long
B. leaving the tourniquet on the patient too long
C. the tourniquet being too loose
D. withdrawing the blood too rapidly
Answer: B. leaving the tourniquet on the patient too long