Which of the following is a proper way to clean up a small blood spill that has dried on a counter-top?
A. moisten it with a disinfectant and carefully absorb it with a paper towel
B. rub it with an alcohol pad, then wipe the area with a clean alcohol pad
C. scape it into a biohazard bad and wash the surface with soap and water
D. use a disinfectant wipe and scrub it in ever-increasing concentric circles
Which of the following examples of potential exposure to blood-borne pathogens involve a parenteral route of transmission?
A. chewing gum while collecting blood specimens
B. eating a snack while accessing specimens
C. licking fingers while turning lab manual pages
D. rubbing the eyes while precessing specimens
Which of the following situations involves a nosocomial infection?
A. a man has a bladder infection upon hospital admission
B. an employee contracts hepatitis B from a needle stick
C. a patient in ICU has an incision that becomes infected
D. a baby in the nursery has a congenital herpes infection
Proper procedure for cleaning the site of an injury from a contaminated needle includes:
A. cleaning it with providing-iodine or other antiseptic
B. squeezing the injured area hard until it bleeds freely
C. washing it with soap and water for at least 30 seconds
D. all of the above
Which of the following involves the possibility of a permucosal BBP exposure?
A. failing to cover broken skin with a bandage
B. getting stuck with a used phlebotomy needle
C. licking the fingers to turn lab manual pages
D. opening blood tubes without a safety shield
A. apply only to secretions and exertions that contain blood
B. are to be used when caring for all patients at all times
C. never supersede other CDC isolation recommendations
D. should not be combined with other precautions
CDC and HICPAC recommendations allow the use of alcohol-based antiseptic hand cleansers in pace of hand washing as long as:
A. gloves were worn during prior activity
B. hands are first cleaned with detergent wipes
C. hands have no visible dirt or organic material
D. all of the above conditions are met
A. on the day the negligent act took place
B. the first day in a series of medical treatments
C. the first day of consulting with a lawyer
D. a month after the injury was discovered
A. checking the wristband with the requisition
B. comparing current test results with previous one
C. documenting all of the results with previous one
D. reporting new infection control precautions
A. CLSI's voluntary strandards and guidelines
B. commissions annual safety requirements goals
C. NAACLS national educational guidelines
D. safety rules set down by CDC and OSHA
A. nurse has the right to perform a procedure on a patient even if the patient refuses
B. patient agrees to a procedure after being told of the consequences associated with it
C. patient has the right to look at all their medical records and test results
D. phlebotomist tells the patient what is ordered and the implications of the test results
A. rules set down by CDC and overseen by OSHA
B. standards set by NAACLS for educational programs
C. the joint commission's specific safety requirement
D. voluntary guidelines and protocol written by CLSI
A phlebotomist collects a sample from a 16 year old patient without obtaining parental or guardian consent. what could the phlebotomist be charged with?
A. a patient's medical records are available for review by all healthcare workers
B. all consequences of a medical procedure have been given to the patient
C. the patient revived a book outlining all procedures and their consequences
D. the patients confidentiality has been breached during the assessment process
Which of the following is proper telephone technique?
A. be careful of the tone of the voice used and keeping answers simple
B. do not identify yourself in care there are problems later
C. listen carefully; do not take notes because it takes too much time
D. wait for the phone to ring three or four times so as not to appear anxious
Which of the following is improper telephone technique?
A. listening and restating information
B. putting an irritated caller on hold
C. taking notes as the caller is talking
D. referring the caller elsewhere if uncertain