A chain of custody is

A chain of custody is

A) a special protocol used when collecting forensic specimens.

B) necessary in patient management for therapeutic phlebotomy.

C) required for the POC quality assurance program for nursing.

D) part of the type and cross match procedure for blood blank.

Answer: a special protocol used when collecting forensic specimens.

All POC glucose analyzers approved for hospital use have which of the following in common?

All POC glucose analyzers approved for hospital use have which of the following in common?

A) They have the ability to use capillary, venus, or arterial blood samples.

B) Data can be downloaded to a data management program.

C) They require the use of an authorized operator ID number.

D) All of the options are correct.

Answer: All of the options are correct.

To prevent introducing a contaminating substance into a trace-element collection tube, it is suggested that the phlebotomist

To prevent introducing a contaminating substance into a trace-element collection tube, it is suggested that the phlebotomist

A) collect the trace-element tube last in the order of draw.

B) draw it by itself using a syringe or evacuated tube system.

C) use a syring and transger blood into the royal-blue top tube last.

D) use only a royal-blue-top short-draw with heparin or EDTA

Answer: draw it by itself using a syringe or evacuated tube system.

When performing a GTT, the timing should begin

When performing a GTT, the timing should begin

A) as soon as the patient finishes the drink.

B) one-half hour after the drink is finished.

C) right after the patient arrive sin the lab.

D) when the fasting specimen is collected.

Answer: as soon as the patient finishes the drink.

All of the following are included in the DOT's 10 Steps to Collection Site Security and Integrity EXCEPT

All of the following are included in the DOT's 10 Steps to Collection Site Security and Integrity EXCEPT

A) ensure that video monitoring equipment is working during specimen collection.

B) inspect the site to ensure that no foreign or unauthorized substances are present.

C) secure any water sources or other wise make them unavailable to employees.

D) tape or otherwise secure shut any movable toilet tank top, or put bluing in the tank

Answer: ensure that video monitoring equipment is working during specimen collection.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of collecting ABGs form the radial artery?

Which of the following is a disadvantage of collecting ABGs form the radial artery?

A) It can be hard to locate on patients with decreased blood volume.

B) It has an increased risk of injury to major nerves that are nearby.

C) IT is deep and consequently harder to palpate than other arteries.

D) It lacks underlying bone to support compression after the draw.

Answer: It can be hard to locate on patients with decreased blood volume.

ABG specimen rejection criteria include

ABG specimen rejection criteria include

A) air bubbles in the specimen.

B) incomplete or missing label.

C) insufficient volume of blood.

D) All of the options are correct.

Answer: All of the options are correct.

Which of the following patients would be considered to be in a "steady state" for ABG specimen collection?

Which of the following patients would be considered to be in a "steady state" for ABG specimen collection?

A) A patient who has been asleep for 30 minutes while breathing room air

B) A patient who has been breathing oxygen while finishing eating lunch

C) A patient who has been breathing via a ventilator for the past 15 minutes

D) A patient who has just finished a treatment with the respiratory therapist

Answer: A patient who has been asleep for 30 minutes while breathing room air

What is the recommended procedure for collectin a 24- hour urine sample?

What is the recommended procedure for collectin a 24- hour urine sample?

A) Collect all of the urine voided in any 24-hour period.

B) Collect the first morning specimen and all other specimens, except the next morning specimen

C) Start the timing, collect the first morning specimen and all other specimen including the next morning specimen.

D) Void the fist morning specimen, start the timing, and collect all other specimens including the next morning's specimen.

Answer: Void the fist morning specimen, start the timing, and collect all other specimens including the next morning's specimen.

Which of the following scenarios represents correct capillary puncture technique?

Which of the following scenarios represents correct capillary puncture technique?

A) Puncturing perpendicular to the fingerprint whorls

B) Scooping up blood that is running down the finger

C) Using povidone-iodine to clean the heel of an infant

D) Wiping the alcohol dry so the puncture doesn't sting

Answer: Puncturing perpendicular to the fingerprint whorls

What is PKU?

What is PKU?

A) A contagious condition caused by a lack of phenylalanine

B) A hereditary inability to metabolize phenylalanine

C) An acquired condition caused by a lack of phenylalanine

D) An inherited condition cause by a lack of thyroid hormone.

Answer: A hereditary inability to metabolize phenylalanine

Why should a laboratory report form indicate the fact that a specimen has been collected by capillary puncture?

Why should a laboratory report form indicate the fact that a specimen has been collected by capillary puncture?

A) Because test results can vary depending on the method of collection

B) So that subsequent specimens will be collected by skin puncture also

C) So that the patient's nurse can check the site for signs of infection

D) To satisfy liability insurance requirements and for billing purposes

Answer: Because test results can vary depending on the method of collection

You are in the process of collection a blood specimen on a patient with difficult veins. You had to redirect the needle but it is now in the vein, and the first tube has just started to fill. The blood is filling the tube slowly. The skin around the veinpuncture site starts to swell. You have several more tubes to fill. What should you do?

You are in the process of collection a blood specimen on a patient with difficult veins. You had to redirect the needle but it is now in the vein, and the first tube has just started to fill. The blood is filling the tube slowly. The skin around the veinpuncture site starts to swell. You have several more tubes to fill. What should you do?

A) Ask the patient if it hurts; if not, continue the draw.

B) Continue the draw after pushing the needle in deeper.

C) Pull back on the needle slightly and finish the draw.

D) Stop the draw at once and apple pressure to the site.

Answer: Stop the draw at once and apply pressure to the site.

When a vein rolls, the needle typically

When a vein rolls, the needle typically

A) ends up in the lumen of the vein.

B) lands against an inside vein wall.

C) goes all the way through the vein.

D) slips beside instead of in the vein.

Answer: Slips beside instead of in the vein.

Which action is least likely to cause specimen hemolysis?

Which action is least likely to cause specimen hemolysis?

A) Drawing a large tube using a small needle.

B) Mixing a blood specimen to vigorously.

C) Using a transfer device for a syringe draw.

D) Pulling back a syringe plunger too quickly.

Answer: Using a transfer device for a syringe draw.

Pain associated with venipuncture can be minimized by

Pain associated with venipuncture can be minimized by

A) desensitizing the site by rubbing hard with alcohol.

B) tying the tourniquet tight enough to numb the arm.

C) warning the patient that the draw might hurt a lot.

D) putting the patient at ease with a little small talk.

Answer: Putting the patient at ease with a little small talk.

Lymphostasis is

Lymphostasis is

A) impaired secretion of lymph fluid.

B) reduced lymphocyte production.

C) stoppage of lymphoid production.

D) obstruction of the flow of lymph.

Answer: Obstruction of the flow of lymph.

What is the advantage of using a butterfly?

What is the advantage of using a butterfly?

A) Blood flows faster than with ETS needles.

B) Butterflies make it easier to draw difficult veins.

C) Butterflies are less expensive than other needles

D) There is a greater choice in butterfly needle size.

Answer: Butterflies make it easier to draw difficult veins.

Proper needle disposal involves

Proper needle disposal involves

A) ejecting the needle from the tube holder so that the holder can be reused.

B) removing the needle from the holder after engaging the needle safety device.

C) disposing of the needle and tube holder in the sharps container as one unit.

D) unscrewing the needle from the holder by using a slot in the sharps container.

Answer: Disposing the needle and tube holder in the sharps container as one unit.

If a tourniquet is too tight

If a tourniquet is too tight

A) arterial flow below it may be stopped.

B) blood below it may hemoconcentrate.

C) the pressure can cause the arm to ache.

D) all of the above.

Answer: All of the above.

The medical record number in the ID band matches the number on your requisition, but the patient's name is spelled differently than the one in your requisition. What would you do?

The medical record number in the ID band matches the number on your requisition, but the patient's name is spelled differently than the one in your requisition. What would you do?

A) collect the specimen and report the error to the patient's nurse.

B) draw the specimen because the medical number matches.

C) do not collect the specimen until the difference is resolved.

D) make the correction in the requisition and draw the specimen.

Answer: Do not collect the specimen until the difference is resolved.

What is the best thing to do if family or visitors are with a patient?

What is the best thing to do if family or visitors are with a patient?

A) ask them to wait outside of the room until you are finish.

B) come back later to collect the specimen when they have left.

C) have the patient's nurse tell everyone that they should leave.

D) tell them to quietly watch from the opposite side of the bed.

Answer: Ask them to wait outside of the room until you are finished.

A code is a way to

A code is a way to

A) convey important information without alarming the public.

B) transmit messages over the facility's public address system.

C) use numbers and words to represent important information

D) all of the above

Answer: All of the above

In most cases, needle insertion should be performed

In most cases, needle insertion should be performed

A) at a 45-degree angle to surface of the arm.

B) using a smooth, steady motion forward.

C) with a deliberate and rapid forward jab.

D) with the bevel of the needle face down

Answer: Using a smooth, steady motion forward.

It is best if tourniquets are

It is best if tourniquets are

A) used once and then discarded.

B) cleaned daily with bleach.

C) thrown away when soiled.

D) wiped with alcohol after use.

Answer: Used once and then discarded.

Needle safety devices must

Needle safety devices must

A) create a barrier between a user's hand and the needle after use.

B) allow the phlebotomist is safely activate it using both hands.

C) provide temporary containment of the used venipuncture needle.

D) all of above.

Answer: Create a barrier between a user's hand and the needle after use.

OSHA regulations require that after use

OSHA regulations require that after use

A) needles be automatically ejected into the sharps container.

B) needles be removed from the tube holders before disposal.

C) tube holders be sanitized soon after the needle is removed.

D) tube holders with needle attached be disposed of as a unit.

Answer: Tube holders with needle attached be disposed of a unit.

If hands are heavily contaminated with organic material and a sink is not available, the phlebotomist should clean them with

If hands are heavily contaminated with organic material and a sink is not available, the phlebotomist should clean them with

A) detergent-containing wipes followed by a sanitizer.

B) alcohol-based hand cleaner and sterile gauze pads.

C) hydrogen peroxide followed by a hand sanitizer

D) three separate 70% isopropyl swabs used in a row

Answer: detergent-containing wipes followed by a sanitizer.

If phlebotomists have dermitis, they should

If phlebotomists have dermitis, they should

A) change their gloves more frequently

B) see if wearing gloveliners would help

C) use sanitizer instead of soap and water

D) wash their hands thoroughly and often

Answer: See if wearing gloveliners will help