This ion is essential to the coagulation process.
A) Potassium
B) Chloride
C) Calcium
D) Sodium
Answer: Calcium
Phlebotomy MCQ
A) Potassium
B) Chloride
C) Calcium
D) Sodium
Answer: Calcium
A) Hemogram
B) Digoxin
C) Protime
D) Myoglobin
Answer: Protime
A) neutrophils
B) thrombocytes
C) erthrocytes
D) leukocytes
Answer: Thrombocytes
A) thrombosis
B) embolism
C) phlebitis
D) hemostasis
Answer: Phlebitis
A) arm
B) head
C) heart
D) leg
Answer: Leg
A) 10% plasma, 90% formed elements
B) 55% plasma, 45% formed elements
C) 30% plasma, 70% formed elements
D) 91% plasma, 9% formed elements
Answer: 55% plasma, 45% formed elements
A) 5L
B) 4L
C) 8L
D) 10L
Answer: 5L
A) bloodstream
B) bone marrow
C) lymph nodes
D) thymus gland
Answer: Bone marrow
A) cholesterol
B) atherosclerosis
C) endocarditis
D) lipemia
Answer: Atherosclerosis
A) Capillaries, arterioles, arteries
B) Arterioles, venules, capillaries
C) Arteries, arterioles, capillaries
D) Veins, venules, capillaries
Answer: Arteries, arterioles, capillaries
A) posterior and proximal to the wrist
B) posterior and proximal to the elbow
C) anterior and distal to the elbow
D) anterior and distal to the wrist
Answer: Anterior and distal to the elbow
A) Venules
B) Capillaries
C) Arteries
D) Arterioles
Answer: Capillaries
A) femoral
B) great saphenous
C) inferior vena cava
D) aorta
Answer: Great saphenous
A) ventricular contraction
B) ventricular relaxation
C) atrial contraction
D) atrial relaxation
Answer: Ventricular contraction
A) dark blue
B) dark red
C) bluish red
D) bright red
Answer: Bright red
A) capillaries
B) venules
C) arterioles
D) alveoli
Answer: capillaries
D) TnT
Answer: ECG
A) complete blockage of a coronary artery
B) malfunction of an atrioventricular valve
C) death of a portion of myocardial tissue
D) partial obstruction of a coronary artery
Answer: Partial obstruction of a coronary artery
A) Four
B) Six
C) Two
D) Eight
Answer: Four
A) Conveying afferent nerve impulses
B) Excreting wastes from the the body
C) Carrying oxygen to the tissue cells
D) Producing the formed elements
Answer: Carrying oxygen to the tissue cells
A) Potassium
B) Glucose
C) Carbon Dioxide
D) Hemoglobin
Answer: Hemoglobin
A) Skeletal
B) Nervous
C) Circulatory
D) Muscular
Answer: Nervous
A) Reproductive
B) Respiratory
C) Skeletal
D) Digestive
Answer: Digestive
A) asthma
B) dyspnea
C) pneumonia
D) emphysema
Answer: Dyspnea
A) Pharynx
B) Oviduct
C) Sacrum
D) Ureter
Answer: Oviduct
A) Ciculatory
B) Integumentary
C) Respiratory
D) Endocrine
Answer: Endocrine
A) bronchi
B) larynx
C) trachea
D) alveoli
Answer: Alveoli
A) gallbladder
B) duodenum
C) glomerulus
D) epididymis
Answer: Gallbladder
A) Pineal
B) Thyroid
C) Thymus
D) Pituitary
Answer: Pituitary
A) autonomic nervous system
B) peripheral nervous system
C) somatic nervous system
D) central nervous system
Answer: Central nervous system
A) bursae
B) afferent nerves
C) meninges
D) calcaneous
Answer: Meninges
A) Corneum
B) Epidermis
C) Dermis
D) Subcutaneous
Answer: Epidermis
A) Hair follicles
B) Papillae
C) Oil glands
D) Arrector pili
Answer: Papillae
A) anabolism
B) digestion
C) catabolism
D) homeostasis
Answer: Anabolism
A) strands of deoxyribonucleic acid
B) rod-shaped bodies near the nucleus
C) networks of the tubules in the cytosol
D) structures within the cytoplasm
Answer: Strands of deoxyribonucleic acid
A) Bone
B) Cells
C) Fat
D) Skin
Answer: Fat
A) dendrites
B) phalanges
C) papillae
D) ureters
Answer: Phalanges
A) Frontal
B) Midsagittal
C) Transverse
D) Sagittal
Answer: Midsagittal
A) turning the hand palm down
B) flexing the hand at the wrist
C) extending the hand out to the side
D) rotating the hand so that it is vertical
Answer: Turning the hand palm down
A) prone position
B) syncope position
C) supine position
D) anatomic position
Answer: Anatomic position
A) aniso
B) cyan
C) post
D) erythr
Answer: Cyan
B) T&C
Answer: PRN
A) both b and c
B) red blood count
C) red bleed cell
D) none of the answers
Answer: Red bleed cell, red blood count
A) condition
B) disease
C) between
D) pain
Answer: Pain
A) CO2
B) O2
C) H2O
D) Oz
Answer: O2
A) 210,000-400,000
B) 1.5 million
C) 310,000-600,000
D) 500,000-1 million
Answer: 210,000-400,000
Answer: NAACLS
A) logy
B) gast
C) enter
D) o
Answer: Logy
A) cephal
B) neur
C) encephal
D) ren
Answer: Ren
A) cc
C) mL
Answer: IU
A) negative patient outcome
B) no parenteral output
C) nothing by mouth
D) new patients only
Answer: Nothing by mouth
A) head
B) bottle
C) bowel
D) blood
Answer: Blood
A) around
B) within
C) many
D) half
Answer: Around
D) Chol
Answer: EEG
A) pathy
B) spasm
C) ium
D) centesis
Answer: Centesis
A) Inflammation of a vein
B) Inflammation of the intestines
C) Enlargement of the lips
D) Reduction of the hips
Answer: Inflammation of a vein
A) A
B) E
C) I
D) O
Answer: O
A) Medical terminology
B) Combination words
C) Root words
D) Medical suffixes
Answer: Medical terminology
A) Word Ending
B) Word Stem
C) Prefix
D) Combining Word
Answer: Word stem
A) Removing the stopper behind a splash shield
B) Carefully pouring the contents into the aliquot tube
C) Covering or capping the aliquot tube immediately
D) None of the options
Answer: Carefully pouring the contents into the aliquot tube
A) Blood culture in an SPS tube
B) Calcium in a green top tube
C) CBC in a lavender stopper tube
D) Creatinine in an SST tube
Answer: Calcium in a green top tube
A) Collection was difficult, hemolyzing red cells.
B) Patient has an elevated white blood cell count.
C) Patient is taking an anticoagulant medication
D) Specimen is chilled soon after being collected.
Answer: Collection was difficult, hemolyzing red cells.
A) Centrifuge serum specimens before they start to form noticeable clots.
B) Never centrifuge both serum and plasma specimens in the same centrifuge.
C) Place tubes of equal size and volume opposite one another for balance.
D) Remove evacuated tube stoppers before placing them in the centrifuge.
Answer: Place tubes of equal size and volume opposite one another for balance.
A) Bilirubin and serum folate
B) Choloesterol and uric acid
C) Gastrin and lactic acid
D) Homocysteine and renin
Answer: Choloesterol and uric acid
A) 15 minutes from the time of collection
B) 30 minutes from the time of collection
C) 1.0 hour from the time of collection
D) 2.0 hour from the time of collection
Answer: 2.0 hour from the time of collection
Answer: CLSI
A) Ammonia
B) Bilirubin
C) Cold agglutinin
D) Serum protein
Answer: Ammonia
A) Dehydrated patient
B) Misidentified patient
C) Mislabeled specimen
D) Wrong collection time
Answer: Dehydrated patient
A) Failing to mix an additive tube.
B) Mislabeling an aliquot tube.
C) Misreporting patient results.
D) Using the wrong order of draw
Answer: Misreporting patient results.
A) encouraging complete clot formation.
B) maintaining the sterility of the sample.
C) minimizing stopper-caused aerosols.
D) reducing agitation-caused hemolysis.
Answer: maintaining the sterility of the sample.
A) computer program for interfacing.
B) method of specimen identification.
C) mnemonic for strong disinfectant.
D) test code for chemistry analyzers.
Answer: method of specimen identification.
A) faulty collection technique.
B) inadequate centrifugation.
C) insufficient specimen.
D) patient stress and anxiety.
Answer: inadequate centrifugation.
A) accepts data downloaded from POC instruments.
B) controls user-requested computer operation.
C) is considered temporary or secondary storage.
D) is the computer equipment used to process data.
Answer: accepts data downloaded from POC instruments.
A) pressurized air transportation system.
B) temporary computer data storage unit.
C) tube connection between two computers.
D) type of collection tube for blood gases.
Answer: pressurized air transportation system
A) coded instruction needed to control computer hardware.
B) confidential computer code required by HIPAA.
C) series of bars and spaces representing numbers or letters.
D) unique number given to each test request for ID purposes.
Answer: series of bars and spaces representing numbers or letters.
A) Accession number
B) Hospital number
C) Mnemonic code
D) Password ID
Answer: Accession number
Answer: ROM
A) accessioning.
B) interfacing.
C) logging on.
D) networking.
Answer: logging on.
A) Expired evacuated tube
B) Incomplete identification
C) No phlebotomist initials
D) Quantity not sufficient
Answer: No phlebotomist initials