A person who is processing specimens first cleans their hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer and then immediately presses the on button on the centrifuge. They feel a mild shock as a centrifuge turns on. What type of workplace Hazard has just occurred

A person who is processing specimens first cleans their hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer and then immediately presses the on button on the centrifuge. They feel a mild shock as a centrifuge turns on. What type of workplace Hazard has just occurred

Answer: Electrical

A phlebotomist notices that every day after several hours of Performing outpatient venipuncture that she has a rash on her hands. What type of workplace Hazard should be investigated to eliminate the cause of the phlebotomist rash

A phlebotomist notices that every day after several hours of Performing outpatient venipuncture that she has a rash on her hands. What type of workplace Hazard should be investigated to eliminate the cause of the phlebotomist rash

Answer: Allergen exposure

April botanist notices that every day after several hours of Performing outpatient venipuncture that she has pain in her lower back. Which practice may help to eliminate the cause of the phlebotomist is pain

April botanist notices that every day after several hours of Performing outpatient venipuncture that she has pain in her lower back. Which practice may help to eliminate the cause of the phlebotomist is pain

Answer: adjusting the height of the chair the phlebotomist is using

A phlebotomist notices that every day after several hours of Performing outpatient venipunctures that she has pain in her lower back. What type of workplace Hazard should be investigated to help eliminate the cause of the phlebotomist is pain

A phlebotomist notices that every day after several hours of Performing outpatient venipunctures that she has pain in her lower back. What type of workplace Hazard should be investigated to help eliminate the cause of the phlebotomist is pain

Answer: Ergonomics

While transferring a specimen from The Collection container to a transport container for shipping the phlebotomist still some of the specimen on the counter. What should the phlebotomist do next

While transferring a specimen from The Collection container to a transport container for shipping the phlebotomist still some of the specimen on the counter. What should the phlebotomist do next

Answer: Use a biohazard spill kit to clean the counter

A phlebotomist is about to prepare a container for patient specimen collection period he notices that one of the chemicals on the Shelf in the storage room play a W with a line through it on its label. In which NFPA label quadrant did he see this symbol

A phlebotomist is about to prepare a container for patient specimen collection period he notices that one of the chemicals on the Shelf in the storage room play a W with a line through it on its label. In which NFPA label quadrant did he see this symbol

Answer: White

You enter a patient's room to collect a blood specimen and find another healthcare worker talking with the patient about proper diet for their medical condition. This healthcare worker is most likely a

You enter a patient's room to collect a blood specimen and find another healthcare worker talking with the patient about proper diet for their medical condition. This healthcare worker is most likely a

Answer: Registered dietitian

After completing a blood collection on an outpatient the patient states that they have an appointment with the Department that will teach them rehabilitative exercises. To which department will you direct or take the patient

After completing a blood collection on an outpatient the patient states that they have an appointment with the Department that will teach them rehabilitative exercises. To which department will you direct or take the patient

Answer: Physical therapy

After completing a blood collection on an outpatient the patient states that they have an appointment with the Department that will perform heart testing to which department will you direct or take this patient

After completing a blood collection on an outpatient the patient states that they have an appointment with the Department that will perform heart testing to which department will you direct or take this patient

Answer: Electrocardiography

After completing a blood collection on an outpatient the patient states that they have an appointment with the Department that will perform breathing treatments. To which department will you direct or take the patient

After completing a blood collection on an outpatient the patient states that they have an appointment with the Department that will perform breathing treatments. To which department will you direct or take the patient

Answer: Respiratory

Wow answering the telephone you are asked by physicians office staff to speak with someone who can give them preliminary results concerning a patient's cholesterol. To which laboratory section will you direct this call

Wow answering the telephone you are asked by physicians office staff to speak with someone who can give them preliminary results concerning a patient's cholesterol. To which laboratory section will you direct this call

Answer: Chemistry

While answering the telephone you are asked by physicians office staff to speak with someone who can give them preliminary results concerning a patient's complete blood count to which laboratory section will you direct this call.

While answering the telephone you are asked by physicians office staff to speak with someone who can give them preliminary results concerning a patient's complete blood count to which laboratory section will you direct this call.

Answer: Hematology

Otosclerosis affects the

Otosclerosis affects the

A. tympanic membrane.

B. auditory ossicles.

C. cochlea.

D. auditory nerve.

E. outer ear.

Answer: B. auditory ossicles.

A cochlear implant treats

A cochlear implant treats

A. a torn tympanic membrane.

B. otosclerosis.

C. conductive deafness.

D. sensorineural deafness.

E. an ear infection.

Answer: D. sensorineural deafness.

A person who is colorblind lacks

A person who is colorblind lacks

A. retinas.

B. one type of photopigment.

C. corneas.

D. a gene that encodes the proteins in rod cells.

E. irises.

Answer: B. one type of photopigment.

Glaucoma is usually caused by

Glaucoma is usually caused by

A. clouding of the lens.

B. clouding of the lens capsule.

C. accumulation of vitreous humor.

D. accumulation of aqueous humor.

E. accumulation of good humor.

Answer: D. accumulation of aqueous humor.

A chimp adopts two orphaned tiger cubs. They live in a zoo. The chimp has a more intense visual world than his adopted offspring because

A chimp adopts two orphaned tiger cubs. They live in a zoo. The chimp has a more intense visual world than his adopted offspring because

A. she is older.

B. she has lived in the zoo longer.

C. she has three types of cones that connect individually to neural pathways to the brain. The cubs only have two types.

D. she has two types of cones that connect individually to neural pathways to the brain. The cubs have three types, which causes eyestrain. E. tigers are very prone to developing cataracts.

Answer: C. she has three types of cones that connect individually to neural pathways to the brain. The cubs only have two types.

Umami receptors sense

Umami receptors sense

A. monosodium glutamate.

B. aspartame.

C. caffeine.

D. tryptophan.

E. uric acid.

Answer: A. monosodium glutamate.

If you were a physician evaluating a young person who has conductive deafness, which of the following would you consider in your differential diagnosis?

If you were a physician evaluating a young person who has conductive deafness, which of the following would you consider in your differential diagnosis?

A. A torn tympanic membrane.

B. A brain tumor.

C. Damage to the auditory nerve.

D. Use of the antibiotic drug streptomycin.

E. Recent attendance at a rock concert.

Answer: A. A torn tympanic membrane.

As they extend from the retina to the brain, the nerve fibers

As they extend from the retina to the brain, the nerve fibers

A. from the nasal half of each retina cross over.

B. from the temporal half of each retina cross over.

C. all cross over.

D. do not cross over.

E. degenerate.

Answer: A. from the nasal half of each retina cross over.

Light is refracted when it passes

Light is refracted when it passes

A. from air into glass.

B. into glass at a right angle.

C. between media of different optical densities at a right angle.

D. between media of different optical densities at an oblique angle.

E. between media of the same optical density.

Answer: D. between media of different optical densities at an oblique angle.

Arnold enters a darkened movie theater on a sunny summer afternoon. It takes many minutes for his eyes to adapt to the darkness because

Arnold enters a darkened movie theater on a sunny summer afternoon. It takes many minutes for his eyes to adapt to the darkness because

A. it takes some time for the retina to rebuild its rhodopsin stores from opsin and retinene.

B. the rods in the eye work only in bright light, and it takes time for the cones to work in weak light.

C. the iris takes time to close after being subjected to bright light.

D. the optic nerve fatigues in bright light, and it takes time to recover.

E. the pupil is too small to admit sufficient light.

Answer: A. it takes some time for the retina to rebuild its rhodopsin stores from opsin and retinene.

Stereoscopic vision results when the

Stereoscopic vision results when the

A. images in both eyes are identical.

B. images in the eyes are different.

C. rods of one eye are stimulated and the cones of the other eye are stimulated.

D. brain interprets the images in two dimensions.

E. a person whirls around so that light comes from all directions.

Answer: B. images in the eyes are different.

Visual sensations from images focused on the side of the retina are blurred because

Visual sensations from images focused on the side of the retina are blurred because

A. there are no rods in this region.

B. there are more cones than rods in this region.

C. there are more rods than cones in this region.

D. the optic disc is located on the side of the retina.

E. none of the above.

Answer: C. there are more rods than cones in this region.

The lens of the eye thickens when the

The lens of the eye thickens when the

A. suspensory ligaments pull on the lens capsule.

B. ciliary processes relax.

C. ciliary muscles relax.

D. ciliary muscles contract.

E. rods are stimulated.

Answer: D. ciliary muscles contract.

The range of human hearing is about

The range of human hearing is about

A. 2,000-3,000 vibrations per second.

B. 2,000-200,000 vibrations per second.

C. 20-20,000 vibrations per second.

D. 2-2,000 vibrations per second.

E. none of the above.

Answer: C. 20-20,000 vibrations per second.

Taste receptors are

Taste receptors are

A. found only on the tongue.

B. unable to divide.

C. modified connective tissue cells.

D. modified epithelial cells.

E. specialized forms of fibroblasts.

Answer: D. modified epithelial cells.

As a result of the tympanic reflex,

As a result of the tympanic reflex,

A. the bridge of auditory ossicles becomes less rigid.

B. vibrations are transmitted more effectively to the inner ear.

C. the malleus is pulled toward the eardrum.

D. vibrations are transmitted less effectively to the inner ear.

E. the cochlea slightly unwinds.

Answer: D. vibrations are transmitted less effectively to the inner ear.

The Golgi tendon organ is stimulated more when

The Golgi tendon organ is stimulated more when

A. muscles are metabolically active and produce oxygen.

B. muscle tension increases.

C. muscle tension decreases.

D. muscle tension stays the same.

E. a cell has many Golgi apparatuses.

Answer: B. muscle tension increases.

Pain receptors

Pain receptors

A. respond to factors that can damage tissue.

B. adapt rapidly.

C. are among the most specialized receptors.

D. are widely distributed in the brain.

E. are destroyed by very intense pain.

Answer: A. respond to factors that can damage tissue.

Temperature senses use two types of

Temperature senses use two types of

A. chemoreceptors.

B. proprioceptors.

C. tactile corpuscles.

D. free nerve endings.

E. photoreceptors.

Answer: D. free nerve endings.

Pain receptors differ from other somatic receptors by

Pain receptors differ from other somatic receptors by

A. being stimulated only when pain comes from skeletal muscle.

B. adapting very little, if at all.

C. not being able to project impulses back to their origin.

D. adapting much more than other receptors.

E. all of the above

Answer: B. adapting very little, if at all.

Pain impulses are first processed in the

Pain impulses are first processed in the

A. gray matter of the posterior horn.

B. motor cortex of the cerebrum.

C. dorsal root ganglion.

D. cerebral cortex.

E. retinas.

Answer: A. gray matter of the posterior horn.

The war veteran experiences an intense burning sensation seeming to come from where his foot had been amputated. He most likely has

The war veteran experiences an intense burning sensation seeming to come from where his foot had been amputated. He most likely has

A. hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy.

B. cataracts.

C. reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

D. anosmia.

E. post traumatic stress disorder.

Answer: C. reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

Which of the following are paired correctly?

Which of the following are paired correctly?

A. chemoreceptors-stimulated by changes in concentration of chemical substances

B. pain receptors-stimulated by damage to tissues

C. thermoreceptors-stimulated by temperature changes

D. baroreceptors-stimulated by blood pressure changes

E. all of the above

Answer: E. all of the above

A sensation is ______, and projection of a sensation is the ______.

A sensation is ______, and projection of a sensation is the ______.

A. the stimulation of a receptor cell; transmission of an impulse into the brain

B. a feeling that results from sensory stimulation; brain causing it to seem to come from the receptors being stimulated

C. a good feeling from a stimulation; right side of the brain projecting the sensation to the left side, or vice versa

D. a change in membrane permeability of a receptor; transmission of an impulse into a sensory area of the brain

E. the brain's interpretation of stimulation of receptor cells; reaction to the sensation.

Answer: B. a feeling that results from sensory stimulation; brain causing it to seem to come from the receptors being stimulated

Sensory impulses are stimulated at receptors by

Sensory impulses are stimulated at receptors by

A. neurotransmitters.

B. decreasing permeability of nerve cell membranes.

C. changes in membrane permeability.

D. changes in action potentials.

E. none of the above.

Answer: D. changes in action potentials.

Max returns to his dorm room late at night to find his roommate throwing up. The smell is at first so bad that Max wants to vomit too, but after helping his roommate clean up, the odor seems to fade. Max has experienced

Max returns to his dorm room late at night to find his roommate throwing up. The smell is at first so bad that Max wants to vomit too, but after helping his roommate clean up, the odor seems to fade. Max has experienced

A. damage to his sensory receptors.

B. sensory adaptation.

C. a response to the decreasing concentration of odorant molecules in the room.

D. a hallucination.

E. vomitus interruptus.

Answer: B. sensory adaptation.

The sequence of information flow in response to biting into a slice of pizza is

The sequence of information flow in response to biting into a slice of pizza is

A. perception, sensation, impulse send to CNS, sensory receptors activated.

B. sensory receptors activated, impulse sent to CNS, sensation, perception.

C. impulse sent to CNS, sensory receptors activated, perception, sensation.

D. impulse sent to CNS, sensory receptors activated, sensation, perception.

E. none of the above.

Answer: B. sensory receptors activated, impulse sent to CNS, sensation, perception.

A type of receptor that does not trigger a sensation

A type of receptor that does not trigger a sensation

A. measures pressure in the hands and feet.

B. monitors oxygen levels in the blood.

C. measures heat in the integument.

D. detects mechanical force in the abdomen.

E. detects visual stimuli.

Answer: B. monitors oxygen levels in the blood.

Special senses arise from receptors located

Special senses arise from receptors located

A. primarily in the head.

B. throughout the integumentary system.

C. in the fingertips.

D. in internal organs.

E. only in the central nervous system.

Answer: A. primarily in the head.

Receptors for the general senses are found

Receptors for the general senses are found

A. in a few clusters.

B. only in the integumentary system.

C. widely distributed throughout the body.

D. throughout the visceral organs.

E. only in the skin.

Answer: C. widely distributed throughout the body.

Erica goes for an optometric exam. She especially hates the part where a puff of air is directed at her open eye. This is a test to detect the increased intraocular pressure of glaucoma, and the instrument that measures her response is called a _________.

Erica goes for an optometric exam. She especially hates the part where a puff of air is directed at her open eye. This is a test to detect the increased intraocular pressure of glaucoma, and the instrument that measures her response is called a _________.

Answer: tonometer