Spinal nerve injury may result from

Spinal nerve injury may result from 

A. fracture of vertebrae, dislocations, or birth injuries. 

B. too little dopamine in the basal ganglia. 

C. excess acetylcholine in synapses. 

D. a drug overdose. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: A. fracture of vertebrae, dislocations, or birth injuries.

Melinda has Parkinson disease. Her movements are slowing and she has difficulty initiating voluntary muscular actions. The region that is affected in her brain is the

Melinda has Parkinson disease. Her movements are slowing and she has difficulty initiating voluntary muscular actions. The region that is affected in her brain is the 

A. frontal lobe. 

B. parietal lobe. 

C. basal ganglia. 

D. ventricles.

E. amygdala.

Answer: C. basal ganglia.

The part of the brain that degenerates in Parkinson disease is

The part of the brain that degenerates in Parkinson disease is 

A. the meninges. 

B. the neurons that reach from the striatum to the basal ganglia. 

C. the substantia nigra in the brainstem. 

D. the corpus callosum. 

E. the cerebrum.

Answer: B. the neurons that reach from the striatum to the basal ganglia.

In spastic paralysis

In spastic paralysis 

A. muscle tone increases and the muscles atrophy. 

B. muscle tone increases and the muscles do not atrophy. 

C. muscle tone decreases and the muscles atrophy. 

D. muscle tone decreases and the muscles do not atrophy. 

E. muscle tone increases and the muscle hypertrophy.

Answer: B. muscle tone increases and the muscles do not atrophy.

The Babinski reflex is

The Babinski reflex is 

A. dorsiflexion of the foot when the knee is tapped, indicating damage to a reflex arc. 

B. an abnormal dorsiflexion of the great toe up, with fanning of the smaller toes, that indicates damage to a reflex arc. 

C. the speed with which a deer turns and runs at the sight of a hunter. 

D. a normal response to stroking the sole of the foot. 

E. plantar flextion of the foot.

Answer: B. an abnormal dorsiflexion of the great toe up, with fanning of the smaller toes, that indicates damage to a reflex arc.

A lumbar puncture is

A lumbar puncture is 

A. an infection of the cerebrospinal fluid. 

B. a blockage in peripheral nerve transmission. 

C. a test of the pressure that the cerebrospinal fluid is under. 

D. a procedure to correct a spinal cord injury. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: C. a test of the pressure that the cerebrospinal fluid is under.

A person in a persistent vegetative state

A person in a persistent vegetative state 

A. craves vegetables. 

B. cannot move, but is aware of self. 

C. can move, but seems unaware of self. 

D. repeats the same phrases over and over. 

E. is dead.

Answer: C. can move, but seems unaware of self.

Aging of the brain begins

Aging of the brain begins 

A. before birth. 

B. at birth. 

C. at puberty. 

D. at age 30. 

E. after age 50.

Answer: A. before birth.

The drug atropine influences the autonomic nervous system by

The drug atropine influences the autonomic nervous system by 

A. stimulating the release of norepinephrine. 

B. blocking the action of norepinephrine. 

C. stimulating the release of acetylcholine. 

D. blocking the action of acetylcholine. 

E. depleting the brain of dopamine.

Answer: D. blocking the action of acetylcholine.

Which of the following are generally adrenergic fibers?

Which of the following are generally adrenergic fibers? 

A. parasympathetic postganglionic fibers 

B. sympathetic postganglionic fibers 

C. parasympathetic preganglionic fibers 

D. sympathetic preganglionic fibers 

E. none of the above.

Answer: B. sympathetic postganglionic fibers

The somatic nervous system consists of nerve fibers that connect the CNS to the ______, whereas the autonomic nervous system consists of fibers that connect the ______.

The somatic nervous system consists of nerve fibers that connect the CNS to the ______, whereas the autonomic nervous system consists of fibers that connect the ______. 

A. skin and skeletal muscles; brain to the spinal cord 

B. visceral organs; CNS to the skin and skeletal muscles 

C. heart and intestines; CNS to the cardiac and smooth muscles 

D. skin and skeletal muscles; CNS to the visceral organs 

E. brain and spinal cord; PNS to the CNS

Answer: D. skin and skeletal muscles; CNS to the visceral organs

The phrenic nerves arise from the

The phrenic nerves arise from the 

A. solar plexuses. 

B. brachial plexuses. 

C. lumbar plexuses. 

D. sacral plexuses. 

E. cervical plexuses.

Answer: E. cervical plexuses.

A spinal nerve passing through the intervertebral foramen is

A spinal nerve passing through the intervertebral foramen is 

A. associated with the vertebra above. 

B. composed of afferent fibers only. 

C. composed of efferent fibers only. 

D. associated with cranial nerve C1. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: A. associated with the vertebra above.

Basal ganglia are located in the ______ and ______.

Basal ganglia are located in the ______ and ______. 

A. brainstem; relay motor impulses from the cerebral cortex 

B. frontal lobe; aid in control of motor activities 

C. deep regions of the cerebral hemispheres; aid in control of motor activities 

D. cerebral hemispheres; aid in coordination of equilibrium motor activities 

E. superficial layers of the cerebrum; control the senses

Answer: C. deep regions of the cerebral hemispheres; aid in control of motor activities

The consequence of sensory nerve fibers crossing over is that the

The consequence of sensory nerve fibers crossing over is that the

A. brain cannot tell from which side of the body a sensory impulse originated. 

B. right hemisphere of the cerebrum receives sensory impulses originating on the left side of the body and vice versa. 

C. left hemisphere of the cerebrum receives sensory impulses originating on the left side of the body and vice versa. 

D. impulses never reach the appropriate lobe of the brain to be interpreted. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: B. right hemisphere of the cerebrum receives sensory impulses originating on the left side of the body and vice versa.

Which of the following terms and definitions is correct?

Which of the following terms and definitions is correct? 

A. cerebral cortex-a thin layer of gray matter forming the outermost part of the cerebrum 

B. hemisphere dominance-the largest cerebral hemisphere with the thickest cerebral cortex 

C. limbic system-interconnected brain structures that activate skeletal muscle 

D. cauda equina-a network of anterior branches of spinal nerves 

E. cerebral cortex-a thick layer of white matter forming the outer layer of the cerebrum

Answer: A. cerebral cortex-a thin layer of gray matter forming the outermost part of the cerebrum

If the general interpretative area of the dominant hemisphere is damaged in a child, the

If the general interpretative area of the dominant hemisphere is damaged in a child, the 

A. corresponding region on the opposite side of the brain may take over the interpretative functions. 

B. child will fail to learn language. 

C. child will do very poorly in math. 

D. child will have difficulty concentrating. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: A. corresponding region on the opposite side of the brain may take over the interpretative functions.

Injury to the visual cortex of the right occipital lobe can cause

Injury to the visual cortex of the right occipital lobe can cause 

A. partial blindness in the right eye only. 

B. total blindness in the left eye only. 

C. partial blindness in both eyes. 

D. total blindness in both eyes. 

E. improved visual acuity in one or both eyes.

Answer: C. partial blindness in both eyes.

Spina bifida is a(n)

Spina bifida is a(n) 

A. abnormality in neural tube development. 

B. open vertebral column. 

C. exposed spinal cord. 

D. birth defect. 

E. all of the above

Answer: E. all of the above

The primary motor areas of the brain are in the

The primary motor areas of the brain are in the 

A. postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe. 

B. precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe. 

C. posterior sulcus of the temporal lobe. 

D. lateral part of the occipital lobe. 

E. superior part of the parietal lobe.

Answer: B. precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe.

If the area of the cerebral hemisphere corresponding to Broca's area is damaged,

If the area of the cerebral hemisphere corresponding to Broca's area is damaged, 

A. memory is lost. 

B. motor control to the right leg is impaired. 

C. eyesight is lost. 

D. motor control of the muscles associated with speech is lost. 

E. the abilities to taste and smell are diminished.

Answer: D. motor control of the muscles associated with speech is lost.

Over the course of several months, Morris has experienced difficulty speaking coherently, clumsiness, muscle fasciculations, and increasing weakness in his limbs. These symptoms are most consistent with those of

Over the course of several months, Morris has experienced difficulty speaking coherently, clumsiness, muscle fasciculations, and increasing weakness in his limbs. These symptoms are most consistent with those of 

A. Parkinson disease. 

B. Hodgkin's disease. 

C. muscular dystrophy. 

D. cancer. 

E. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Answer: E. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

All reflexes have

All reflexes have 

A. association neurons. 

B. a reflex arc. 

C. interneurons. 

D. multiple synapses. 

E. a reflex cycle.

Answer: B. a reflex arc.

The spinal cord has

The spinal cord has 

A. 31 segments. 

B. a cervical and lumbar enlargement. 

C. a core of gray matter surrounded by white matter. 

D. two deep longitudinal grooves.

E. all of the above

Answer: E. all of the above

If the left corticospinal tract is severed in the neck near the first cervical vertebra,

If the left corticospinal tract is severed in the neck near the first cervical vertebra, 

A. muscles in the right arm and leg are paralyzed. 

B. muscles in the left arm and leg are paralyzed. 

C. pain impulses from the right side are blocked. 

D. pain impulses from the left side are blocked. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: B. muscles in the left arm and leg are paralyzed.

If the right lateral spinothalamic tract is severed,

If the right lateral spinothalamic tract is severed, 

A. muscles on the left side are paralyzed. 

B. muscles on the right side are paralyzed. 

C. pain impulses from the left side are blocked. 

D. pain impulses from the right side are blocked. 

E. a burning sensation comes from the left side.

Answer: C. pain impulses from the left side are blocked.

The corticospinal tracts control

The corticospinal tracts control 

A. sweat glands. 

B. posture. 

C. voluntary muscle movements. 

D. spinal reflexes. 

E. the urge to urinate.

Answer: C. voluntary muscle movements.

The spinothalamic tract conducts impulses

The spinothalamic tract conducts impulses 

A. from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex. 

B. up the spinal cord to the thalamus. 

C. down the spinal cord from the thalamus. 

D. that stimulate skeletal muscles. 

E. up the spinal cord to the hippocampus.

Answer: B. up the spinal cord to the thalamus.

Stephanie is in a car accident, flung from her vehicle and landing on her back on pavement. At the scene, an emergency medical technician checks her Babinski reflex, in which the great toe extends upward and the smaller toes fan apart. This reflex

Stephanie is in a car accident, flung from her vehicle and landing on her back on pavement. At the scene, an emergency medical technician checks her Babinski reflex, in which the great toe extends upward and the smaller toes fan apart. This reflex 

A. may indicate aging of the corticospinal tract. 

B. may indicate an injury to the corticospinal tract. 

C. is normal in adults. 

D. is meaningless in assessing an emergency situation. 

E. all of the above.

Answer: B. may indicate an injury to the corticospinal tract.

When the flexor muscles of one arm contract in a withdrawal reflex, the extensor muscles of the other arm contract. This phenomenon is called

When the flexor muscles of one arm contract in a withdrawal reflex, the extensor muscles of the other arm contract. This phenomenon is called 

A. flexor extensor reflex. 

B. ipsilateral reflex. 

C. crossed extensor reflex.

D. crossed flexor reflex. 

E. mixed extensor reflex.

Answer: C. crossed extensor reflex.

Reflexes help to control

Reflexes help to control 

A. heart rate. 

B. blood pressure. 

C. digestive activities. 

D. respiratory rate. 

E. all of the above

Answer: E. all of the above

Which of the following lists the parts of a reflex arc in the correct sequence?

Which of the following lists the parts of a reflex arc in the correct sequence? 

A. Receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, interneuron, effector 

B. Effector, receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, interneuron 

C. Effector, sensory neuron, receptor, interneuron, motor neuron 

D. Receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector 

E. None of the above.

Answer: D. Receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by ______ and it __________.

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by ______ and it __________. 

A. dura mater; maintains a stable ionic concentration in the CNS 

B. choroid plexuses in the ventricles; protects the brain from blows to the skull 

C. arachnoid villi in the dura sinus; provides a pathway to the blood for waste 

D. capillaries in the dura mater of the ventricles; moistens the surface of the brain 

E. the spinal cord; protects the CNS.

Answer: B. choroid plexuses in the ventricles; protects the brain from blows to the skull

Cerebrospinal fluid

Cerebrospinal fluid 

A. informs the autonomic centers in the brainstem and hypothalamus about the internal environment. 

B. provides a pathway for waste to enter the blood. 

C. protects the brain 

D. protects the spinal cord. 

E. all of the above.

Answer: E. all of the above.

The fourth ventricle is in the

The fourth ventricle is in the 

A. heart. 

B. brainstem. 

C. midline of the brain, beneath the corpus callosum. 

D. kidney. 

E. subventricular zone.

Answer: B. brainstem.

Cerebrospinal fluid is

Cerebrospinal fluid is 

A. clear and watery. 

B. white and thick. 

C. red. 

D. yellow in the CNS and clear in the PNS.

E. clear in the CNS and yellow in the PNS.

Answer: A. clear and watery.

The meninges consist of

The meninges consist of 

A. the brain and spinal cord. 

B. the membranes that delineate all of the major brain parts. 

C. the pia mater, arachnoid mater, and dura mater. 

D. nerve tracts that run up and down the spinal cord. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: C. the pia mater, arachnoid mater, and dura mater.

The epidural space contains

The epidural space contains 

A. loose connective tissue, blood vessels, and adipose tissue. 

B. dense connective tissue and cartilage. 

C. no tissue, that is why it is a space. 

D. collagen, elastin, and keratin. 

E. nervous tissue.

Answer: A. loose connective tissue, blood vessels, and adipose tissue.

The cem (CNS) consists of

The cem (CNS) consists of 

A. spinal and cranial nerves. 

B. the brain and spinal cord. 

C. the cerebrum and cerebellum. 

D. nerves in the upper and lower limbs. 

E. none of the above.

Answer: B. the brain and spinal cord.

What is meant by a basal state?

What is meant by a basal state?

a. the patient has fasted and rested for 8-10 hours

b. the patient has just arisen from an afternoon nap

c. the patient has fasted for 8 hours

d. the patient has undergone cardiac workout

Answer: a

What determines negligence?

What determines negligence?

a. if there was a Breach of Duty

b. if there is consent

c. if there was a breach of the Bill of Rights

d. if there was intentional tort

Answer: a

Negligence is ______________

Negligence is ______________

a. an attempt to touch or injure a person

b. failure to act or perform duties according to the standards of the profession

c. intent to do harm or injury; actual harm to a person

d. invasion of privacy or defamation of character

Answer: b

What is a APTT?

What is a APTT?

a. prothrombin time

b. protime

c. tissue plastin time

d. activated partial thromboplastin time

Answer: d

What is the purpose of an LD?

What is the purpose of an LD?

a. to see if one is pregnant

b. to see if one is diabetic

c. to see if one is at risk for cardiac disease

d. to see if one is ovulating

Answer: c

What is LD/LDH?

What is LD/LDH?

a. luteinizing hormone

b. lactic dehydrogenase

c. large molecule hormone

d. long term hormone

Answer: b

What is ethics?

What is ethics?

a. to be trained for the procedures that the health care worker performs

b. proper and skillful care of the patient

c. to keep all information confidential

d. moral principles

Answer: d