A test is ordered done in a "Basal State". What does that mean?
a. it is to be done when the patient has had a restful sleep and nothing to eat
b. the patient has eaten in the last hour
c. the patient has had a good exercise workout
d. the patient is overheated and had become dehydrated
You receive a box of blood tubes that are needed immediately. The date reads March and it is May. What should you do?
a. return them to the manufacturer
b. put them in front of the present tubes
c. ask the manufacturer for a discount
d. use them anyway and don't tell anyone
A box of blood tube supplies arrive at the laboratory. What should be done with them?
a. put them in a closet, and let someone else put them away
b. unpack them and put them in the back of present stock
c. return them to the manufacturer because you don't want them
d. unpack them and place them in front of the present stock
a. for better care production
b. for concerns of management regarding cost to run a facility
c. for better quality food
d. for better quality care of a patient by all that come in contact with him or her
a. the entire operating officers
b. the laboratory staff
c. representatives from various departments, such as nursing, laboratory and management, etc
d. only those people involved with housekeeping
a. to have an effective way to watch the staff
b. to be able to run the facility more effectively
c. to have the staffs of all departments involved in recognization of the facility
d. Both A and C are correct
If you are asked to draw a cholesterol, what procedure do you need to follow?
a. ask the patient when he or she last had something to eat
b. the patient has to be seated 5 minutes before the blood is drawn
c. draw an EDTA tube
d. Both A and B are correct
Which statement is untrue regarding drawing a specimen?
a. always clean hands before gloving
b. make sure to uncap the needle and look for burrs, then recap and proceed to cleanse arm
c. look for cracks in the tubes, expiration dates and burrs on the needle
d. identify your patient and get your equipment ready
a. that patient has to have an 8 hr fast
b. the patient must eat a high carbohydrate diet for 3 days prior to the test
c. there is no QA for this test
d. the patient has to have a high carbohydrate meal 2 hours before the test is drawn
a. blood circulating from the heart to body tissues
b. blood circulating from the heart to the lungs
c. circulation of blood through arteries, veins and capillaries
d. circulation of blood through the lymph system
Why do you not draw a mastectomy patient on the side of the mastectomy?
a. because there can be lymphostasis in that arm
b. it is okay to draw there after 5 years
c. because the vein is too deep in the arm after a mastectomy
d. because the arm is tender and it may be too painful for the patient
a. generating the heart beat
b. pushing the blood from the heart to the body's cells
c. for the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen in the lungs
d. for conducting urine from the kidneys to the outside
a. usually that the patient has eaten or has a high cholesterol
b. that the patient is normal
c. that the patient has a high bilirubin
d. that the patient is bleeding internally
a. be worn at all times while you are at work
b. be worn open for comfort
c. be worn while working with patients and specimens, but removed before leaving the lab to go to a "clean" area
d. washed at home daily
a. the reason patients are in isolation
b. pertaining to a disease whose causative agent can be spread to the community
c. a pathological condition due to the growth of organisms
d. capable of producing disease
a. is able to spread an infection to others by having the germ but has no symptoms
b. is able to spread an infection to others by airborne organisms
c. transmits disease by direct contact
d. transmits disease by indirect control
a. a person carrying a germ but not the disease
b. a person with the disease and germ
c. a person with low resistance
d. a person that transmits the germ
a. a clear, yellowish fluid composing the major portion of the blood
b. blood containing plasma and all its natural elements, white blood corpuscles, red blood corpuscles and platelets
c. a mixture of tissue fluid, venous and arterial blood
d. all of the above.
a. the mixture of blood and skin tissue causing discoloration
b. a collection of blood under the skin, a non-venous reaction
c. bubbles in the blood caused by an improper venipuncture technique
d. a fibrous part of a cell or muscle
a. puncture parallel to the fingerprints
b. do a finger puncture on a neonate
c. puncture across finger/heel prints
d. use the shortest lancet possible to obtain the best specimen
If the hand of an inpatient is cold, what does that indicate?
a. that the patient has been building a snowman
b. that the patient may have poor circulation
c. that the patient has been working in refrigeration
d. that the patient is normal
a. something that looks like a bullet and holds ammonia spirits
b. something that is shot from a gun
c. a tube that is used for blood collection from a skin puncture
d. none of the above
The significance of a Reticulocyte study is to access the patients
a. the amount of white blood cell formation
b. if decreased the patients spleen may be overactive, or there may be bone marrow suppression
c. no real value
d. the patient has too much iron in their blood
Blood spills should be cleaned up immediately. The appropriate procedure is:
a. wipe up immediately with paper towels
b. cover with paper towels, wear gloves, pour bleach mix from out to in over spill
c. wipe up wearing gloves
d. leave it for next shift
What is the significance of the Great Saphenous Vein?
a. its the deep vein in the legs
b. its the longest vein in the body
c. its the only vein in the legs
d. its the vein that returns the blood to the heart
a. a change in the ratio of formed elements to plasma
b. the change in appearance of the formed elements
c. the dilution of whole blood with tissue fluid
d. swollen RBC's
An order to draw an alcohol level comes to you. what would you do?
a. use the normal blood drawing procedure, no special requirements
b. use a lavender tube
c. use guidelines from procedure manual
d. use betadine and alcohol prep for cleaning
What does proper cleansing of the venipuncture site do?
a. it takes the place of betadine wipes
b. pulls away strep to below the entry site
c. nothing special, any motion works
d. removes the Staph aureus from the entry site
a. use all index fingers if you feel comfortable that way
b. use the index finger above, and thumb below
c. use the index finger or thumb below the site to be punctured
d. both a & c are correct
a. a release of blood and tissue fluids caused by a break in the capillaries
b. an inflammation in a vein
c. an infiltration of fluids under the skin
d. a collection of blood under the skin
a. make sure to check the requisition for tests ordered before drawing
b. check for cracks in the tubes before drawing
c. check the tubes for expiration date
d. you should pre-label tubes before doing your draw
a. you must complete the draw under any condition
b. the patient should be seated in a comfortable position
c. the phlebotomist should also be in a comfortable position
d. you may lower the bed-rails, or raise the bed for the procedure
Your patient is to have a 2 hr. PP/PC. what instructions do you need to tell the patient?
a. nothing to eat or drink for 2 hrs
b. come in 2 hrs before you are ready to eat
c. eat a high carbohydrate meal and come back 2 hours after you finish
d. come in 2 hours after you get up in the morning
If a patient is to have a BUN and Creatine what must you ask?
a. are you fasting?
b. there are no special fasting requirements for these tests
c. when was the last time you had anything to eat or drink
d. what did you have for breakfast
If you have a "short draw" in a light blue tube, what would happen to the results?
a. nothing, the lab would have yo be careful with the blood they have
b. the results would be artificially prolonged
c. the results would be artificially shortened
d. the answer does not appear here
What are the main departments within the Clinical Pathology Laboratory?
a. histology, chemistry, biopsy, urinalysis and blood bank
b. cytology, histology, autopsies, and x-ray
c. nuclear medicine, x-ray, catherization lab, biopsies and autopsies
d. microbiology, chemistry, hematology, blood bank, serology and coagulation
a. within 30 seconds after draw
b. within 30 minutes after draw
c. it does not matter as long as it has not clotted yet..
d. within 2 minutes after draw
a. body tissues that contain excess amounts of tissue fluid
b. the outer layer of skin cells
c. abnormal red blood cells
d. skin discoloration that contains large areas of hemorrhaging
a. are you fasting?
b. are you NPO?
c. when was the last time you had anything to eat?
d. have you had anything to eat or drink for the past 8-10 hours?
a. having the patient state full name and birth date after sitting in blood drawing chair
b. have the receptionist verify identity
c. calling the patient to lab area yourself
d. the patient should show an identification card
What must be done if there is a discrepancy on the arm band?
a. verify with the patient who they are
b. have the nurse okay the arm band
c. draw the blood and make a document on requisition
d. do not draw blood, have information nb corrected before drawing blood