Which of the following statements describes proper 24-hour urine collection?
A. collect the first morning specimen, start the timing, and collect all urine for the next 24 hours except the first specimen voided the following morning
B. collect the first morning specimen, start the timing, and collect all urine for the next 24 hour including the first specimen voided the following morning
C. discard the first morning specimen, start the timing, and collect all urine for the next 24 hours except the firsts specimen voided the following morning
D. discard the first morning specimen, start the timing, and collect all urine for the next 24 hours including the first specimen voided the following morning
Answer: D. discard the first monitoring specimen, start the timing, and collect all urine for the next 24 hours including the first specimen voided the following morning
Which of the following is a proper capillary puncture procedure?
A. clean the site thoroughly with povidone-iodine
B. milk the site to keep the blood flowing freely
C. puncture parallel to fingerprint grooves
D. wipe away the very first drop of blood
Which of the following can result in a blood smear that is too large:
A. angle of speaker slide is too steep
B. blood drop is too large or too thin
C. speaker slide is pushed too quickly
D. patient has a high hemoglobin level
Which of the following represents proper capillary specimen collection technique:
A. clean the site with alcohol and wipe it due so it will not sting
B. puncture the skin parallel to the whirls of the fingerprint
C. squeeze the finger hard to get the very best blood flow
D. touch the scoop to the blood drop, not the skin surface
Answer: D. touch the scoop to the blood drop, not the skin surface
A. at the very back portion of the heel
B. in the middle of the bottom of the heel
C. on the big toe side of the bottom of the heel
D. on the little toe side of the bottom of the heel
Answer: C. on the big toe side of the bottom of the heel
Which of the following is a recommended site for finger puncture on adults:
A. end segment of little finger
B. distal segment of of the middle finger
C. plantar surface of the index finger
D. proximal segment of the ringer finger
Capillary collection is the preferred method of blood collection in infants because:
A. an infant can be injured by the restraining method used
B. removing larger quantities of blood can lead to anemia
C. venipuncture may damage veins and surrounding tissue
D. all of the above